
Stairs to hell


Where is it?!

If you think it is too nice to be true that it is Central Station area, you're actually right. This is not Central Station. This is not even near Central Station. This is somwhere in Warsaw. Wherever. But you might feel nice if you've been there. A prompt is here.
No, gdzie to jest, dziewczynki i chłopcy?


See You Soon On The Moon

And before going to the Moon, let's go to Warsaw Film Festival.
This picture was taken after watching The Savages. See it only if you feel like crying.


People From Central Station: Music & Money

Dawid (Piotrków Trybunalski) i Kacha (Warszawa).
"Po prostu gramy tu sobie. Mieszkamy tu. Nie, nie! Nie śpimy na dworcu, tylko gramy."
Specjalnie dla Was muzyczne życzenia poniżej (po kliknięciu na 'this').


Dawid (from Piotrków Trybunalski) and Kacha (from Warsaw).
"We just play here. Yeah, we live here. No, no, we do not sleep in central station, we play here only."

Guys, a lot of this and much more.
Peace & Love